Wednesday, April 14, 2010

westover pretending to be two different "journalists"

Some guy named Jeff Westover who runs, a supposed news site about Santa Claus, constantly quotes as if it was a separate "journalistic" site from

When you read through you will see articles quoting as if it was a separate "journalistic" site from

In reality, both of them, along with other Christmas "News" site, are owned by Jeff Westover, who claims to "play santa on the internet". Jeff Westover links to his different sites in an attempt to give himself credibility. He is also the originator/host/owner, whatever you want to call it, of

Amazing. Jeff Westover claims that Jeff Westover is legitamate, if you don't believe him, just ask Jeff Westover.

We have been told, that Jeff Westover writes personal emails to people and claims they are emails from friends. If you reply "as a friend" he publishes your emails as if they were official journalistic statements, without permission, without notifying the individual that they are going to be published. We have also been told that he also edits them to reflect whatever false impression he wants to present.

Why is this important to SantaCheck? He claims to play Santa on the internet. How?

Of all the good stories out there about people who portray Santa Claus, the majority of his rumor mill seems to be simply stirring a pot of mud.

We have also been rebuked for maintaining this site, to keep you informed of the filth that passes themselves off as Santa, endangering YOUR children. We are looking out for you.

We have been accused of only presenting the evil side and making Santa look bad. First of all, please understand, the foul mouthed, fraudulent, vulgar and rude people exposed on this site, are NOT Santa. They are simply evil people you should aware of.

But IF we are presenting the evil side of Santa, what is Jeff Westover doing? Is he defending Santa? or is he defaming Santa? Or could it be, he is defending fraud? One of his last postings ridiculed someone for speaking out against the very fraud he accused Joe Moore of committing.

First of all we applaud Jeff Westover for exposing fraud? We are curious why he is upset that other people are exposing fraud? Is he simply afraid of competition? Does he want to run

If Jeff Westover would like to take over from us, we would love it, because then we would not have to look at all filth, foul language, stripper shows, queers, and other disgusting actions of people who have access to your children.

However, we believe that he would not run it in a non partisan way, he would run it to protect those friends of his, who have appeared here.

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